The Karnataka High Court has granted interim bail to Kannada actor Darshan Thoogudeepa, accused in the high-profile Renukaswamy murder case, to undergo a necessary...
In a recent press briefing, the US State Department denied claims circulating about the expulsion of Indian diplomats related to the ongoing investigation into...
In a deeply distressing incident in Chhattisgarh, a 36-year-old man, recently released on parole, has been taken into custody following allegations of assaulting his...
Instagram users worldwide are experiencing a widespread outage, with thousands reporting issues in sending and receiving direct messages (DMs) on the platform. The trouble...
Chandigarh, October 24, 2024 – Renowned poet and author Dr. Sazina Khan unveiled her latest poetry collection, Through the Despairs, at a special event...
Chandigarh, October 17, 2024: Kirloskar Ferrous Industries Limited (KFIL), a one of the leading castings and pig iron manufacturers and a leading player in...